
For Therapists

As a psychologist in private practice with a broad range of clients, I have encountered the need for products or services specific to those client populations, and have developed a set of tools to address those needs. My hope is these tools can also help you in your clinical work, to improve the quality of care your clients receive, and to help with the development of your practice.


In my practice, I do a lot of guided relaxation, and my clients were always asking for recordings of my protocols in my voice. I was never satisfied with the recording done in-vivo because of low sound quality of my voice, and the lack of background music.

Now, working in conjunction with local musicians, I can offer therapists the production of high-quality vocal recordings over a beautiful musical background. The musicians have granted copyright, allowing you to reproduce your recordings for sale or distribution to your clients without having to worry about royalties.

You can produce audio products in 10-, 20-or 30-minute lengths (for a 10-minute sample, click 10-Minute Breath Focus). Each 10 minute composition is a unique and original work of the artist, and the suite of three pieces are all written to be integral elements of a whole production.

I offer two ways to produce your work. You may come to my in-office studio and, using my equipment, allow me to produce your audio recording (and master), often sending you home that day with usable, duplicable audio products in .wav and MP3 formats.

Or, you may download the music from my Store and record your audio products on your own. Depending on your technical expertise and the quality of your equipment, this can be done at considerable savings.

Please remember, your purchase of this product and the end-user license agreement allows you unlimited reproduction of your derivative product copyright-free, as per agreement with the artists.

Pain Program — I have developed an eight-week, chronic pain program which is ideal for workers compensation claimants, and in coordination with a physical therapy program.

Consultation — In the development of a private practice, I have learned a lot of do’s and don’ts. If you have specific questions on practice development, and would like some of my resource of practical knowledge, you may schedule blocks of time with me to consult regarding the specific needs of your practice development.

Technical support on producing your own audio products falls into this consultative service.

Stay In Touch — I am constantly improving my practice, and offer some of my innovations to other practitioners (e.g., the audio products and pain program above). If you would like to be included on my list, click this link and complete the form to be notified via e-mail about new products I develop.